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Total Air Emissions Control Project

This is a two-year project, which has taken Kao-Kao-Pin Air Quality Management District (KKPAQMD) as an example to implement the total air emissions control scheme. For this first year, the main purposes of the project are to formulate and to prepare the draft rules and relevant documentary and procedure work of the emission inventory baselines, Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT), and the Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP). The following summarize work that have been done in this year: (1) to review State Implementation Plans (SIP) and to provide the advices to states for their SIP preparation, (2) to review and amend the total air emissions control rules under the EPA’s Air Pollution Control Act and to determine the ranking of regulated pollutant, (3) to complete the pilot work of baseline emissions approval and the trial calculation tasks of RACT for NOx to the three counties in GGPAQMD, (4) to draw up the RACT draft rules, (5) to formulate the emission reduction goals and terms in GGPAQMP, (6) to hold the related conferences, seminars, and working group meetings about the emission baselines and the RACTs, and (7) to maintain the website for Department of Air Quality Protection and Noise Control.
total capacity control,total air emission control,air pollution control district,emission capacity approval,RACT,AQMP